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Personalerbjudande för Astra Zeneca-anställda

Staff offer for Astra Zeneca employees (hereafter we will write AZ for Astra Zeneca)
Nordnet administers AZ’s staff incentive program. The incentive program includes a bonus which is paid by AZ in the form of AstraZeneca Allemansfond to their employees via Nordnet Bank.

In order for bonuses to be paid out, you as an Astra Zeneca employee need to have a share and fund account (AF) at Nordnet with an approved consent. NOTE: The absolute last day for those who missed registering a consent is June 25, 2024.

If you already have a share and fund account at Nordnet, you can sign consent with this digital form that is signed with BankID.

If you do not have a share and fund account at Nordnet, you must open one and register the consent with this digital form that is signed with BankID.

Read more about Astra Zeneca's bonus program here.

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