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United States of AmericaUnited States of AmericaCore Scientific

· Nasdaq
· Valuta i USD
Idag %
Idag +/-
Omsatt (Antal)
14 474 212
· Nasdaq
· Valuta i USD
· Nasdaq · Valuta i USD
· Valuta i USD
Utveckling idag
Omsatt (Antal)
14 474 212
56 dagar sedan50min



Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (USD)
147 855 678

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


Ingen data hittades


Nästa händelse
Kalender är inte tillgänglig
Tidigare händelser
2024 Q1-rapport8 maj
2023 Årsrapport13 mars
2023 Q4-rapport12 mars
2023 Q3-rapport6 nov. 2023
2023 Q2-rapport4 aug. 2023
Data hämtas från Morningstar, Quartr

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat

Kunder har även besökt

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.
56 dagar sedan50min

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.


Nästa händelse
Kalender är inte tillgänglig
Tidigare händelser
2024 Q1-rapport8 maj
2023 Årsrapport13 mars
2023 Q4-rapport12 mars
2023 Q3-rapport6 nov. 2023
2023 Q2-rapport4 aug. 2023
Data hämtas från Morningstar, Quartr

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
Logga in
  • 28 juni
    Hi there! I've had this little project [has been my whole adult life, but necessary info, last 5years I have been thinking about this one exclusive last possibility to create big wins, huge amounts of winnings...specifically now I am speaking crypto currencies....] (I have client whom I help w/ graphic design etc, marketing, small layouts, illustration based storytelling, photoshooting&editing/ also doing videos>the same... Due to this one of my client telling me about stories what he'd do if just had enough money - askingme is it still easy to get like 60000€ loans...(told "noooo, it is this one in our country, everyone can check their credit RATING from web, so fex mine is a total s*it &F* -> I know, I have always paid my bills thetes just non interesting in me, I am too precise!) But back to my client....talking huge risks, huge crypto based winning (like said= he is total enthusiast, and motivated and he has a vision.) He speaks making it happen, and let me tell... it sounds like a bunch of children playing in this crypto currencies world.... -- like cryptocurrencies and stock exchanges, the future... rates - will these rise one more time so that it would really be worth living on "a knife edge" and even taking out loan so much so he could make his dream happen financing via loan to be able to dig cryptos --> of course just the right point also knowing how to take the money and cash out the profits... are these just somehow delusional dreams making it big this one more time, but he believes, he would be the next to get some sort of " money enough to solve near and far coming moneytraps, so like he says -- if he can get the loan, then someone will just help him, some old friend... just because dhe needs to have herself a little puzzle to solve. She has been on the top he says, and usually the same help from lets say Alexandria, those bankers take a huge amounts of money, or even more if they were right. So... seems like my client known before everyone and then having him a real banker for free to help him... I look many times my client like is he some patological liar or what... Because afterall - if you have read my comment thru, u must think about my own need for a motivational tutor(?) and I don't find no other solution but if I made you by my side, and we'd actually make money. Then I would love to give to you some salary _still wouldn't be millions I quess_ Where are these golden heart "know how the game goes, what happens when, and motivation to help me grow my own savings, so I would also make it happen quite soon w/ crypto currencies (fex).. And after that, if you was not already, you should be looking for a salary you deserve, if this one million of my 5to 6 000000€ earrings would be quite nice if not more, one year salary..ahahh Where and with which currencies would it be possible to succeed again or perhaps once again? Is there such a value expert-investor colleagues, and if so I'm a complete newbie (well, I took part in scam, being the one scammed all my money.... ..that is, my experience comes from hearsay, tutorials...!♾️🆙️🆙️🆙️🔸️🔹️ And really, for once I want to succeed if it's a big sum needed to start stonger --> like my pension savings, about 2000-max 4000€ would be possible to use into this, in a period of three months....like my client tells me... Sooo.. Dear colleagues...experts, compared to myself (I am an infallible calculator in logical matters, but cryptos and stock market insiders and others where what goes up also goes down... I find this too impulsive. Like a place where in it winds a lot, and where from my wiev - feelings and insiders motivation mean so much more than logical thinking. I neeeeed heeeelp.
  • 13 juni
    13 juni
    I have no idea what to do next with Core Scientific. Should I keep my shares, sell or buy more? Any recommndations?
    14 juni
    14 juni
    Følg en youtuber der hedder Sebastian. En meget neutral analytiker, der har givet mig meget mange brugbare informationer, på de her miners. Er selv ny i det her game 😊
    15 juni
    15 juni
    Thanks alot!
  • 12 juni
    Nu har jag äntligen hittat omvandlingsförhållandet från dessa warrants, tranche 1 och 2, till aktier. Title of each class Trading Symbol(s) Name of each exchange on which registered CORZW: ”The Nasdaq Global Select Market Warrants, each whole warrant exercisable for one share of common stock at an exercise price of $6.81 per share” CORZZ: ”The Nasdaq Global Select Market Warrants, each whole warrant exercisable for one share of common stock at an exercise price of $0.01 per share” Källa: https://investors.corescientific.com/sec-filings/all-sec-filings/content/0001628280-24-026483/core-20240603.htm
  • 7 juni
    Härlig utveckling för Tranche 1 och 2 warrants i Core Scientific:) Någon som har löst in tranche 1? Gör man det enbart genom att ringa Nordnet?
    10 juni
    10 juni
    Ok takk forsvar så når du skriver løpetid, er vi da bundet i 3 år og 5 år fra vi kjøper/benytter oss av tildelte warrants? Eller betyr det noe annet? Noen som vet hvordan vi får solgt alt dette? Jeg har 3 ulike typer ser jeg hvorav en askje, og to typer warrants😅
    10 juni
    Det innebär att du har tre respektive fem år på dig att utnyttja dina warrant, du är inte bunden till något. Jag vet inte heller hur man kan sälja dessa på ett smidigt sätt. Men jag TROR att i detta fall så ska man ringa till Nordnet så hjälper de till med försäljning eller omvandling om man är ute efter det. Om du gör det så får du gärna berätta hur du gick tillväga.
  • 5 juni
    5 juni
    I was wondering why this raised so much yesterday. CoreWeave Offers About $1 Billion for Core Scientific. all-cash bid of $5.75 per share. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/coreweave-offers-1-billion-core-140321199.html
    7 juni
    Ja, men än viktigare för kursutvecklingen är det nya HPC-avtalet med just CoreWeaver som är värt 3,5 miljarder dollar under en period på 12 år.
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.
56 dagar sedan50min

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
Logga in
  • 28 juni
    Hi there! I've had this little project [has been my whole adult life, but necessary info, last 5years I have been thinking about this one exclusive last possibility to create big wins, huge amounts of winnings...specifically now I am speaking crypto currencies....] (I have client whom I help w/ graphic design etc, marketing, small layouts, illustration based storytelling, photoshooting&editing/ also doing videos>the same... Due to this one of my client telling me about stories what he'd do if just had enough money - askingme is it still easy to get like 60000€ loans...(told "noooo, it is this one in our country, everyone can check their credit RATING from web, so fex mine is a total s*it &F* -> I know, I have always paid my bills thetes just non interesting in me, I am too precise!) But back to my client....talking huge risks, huge crypto based winning (like said= he is total enthusiast, and motivated and he has a vision.) He speaks making it happen, and let me tell... it sounds like a bunch of children playing in this crypto currencies world.... -- like cryptocurrencies and stock exchanges, the future... rates - will these rise one more time so that it would really be worth living on "a knife edge" and even taking out loan so much so he could make his dream happen financing via loan to be able to dig cryptos --> of course just the right point also knowing how to take the money and cash out the profits... are these just somehow delusional dreams making it big this one more time, but he believes, he would be the next to get some sort of " money enough to solve near and far coming moneytraps, so like he says -- if he can get the loan, then someone will just help him, some old friend... just because dhe needs to have herself a little puzzle to solve. She has been on the top he says, and usually the same help from lets say Alexandria, those bankers take a huge amounts of money, or even more if they were right. So... seems like my client known before everyone and then having him a real banker for free to help him... I look many times my client like is he some patological liar or what... Because afterall - if you have read my comment thru, u must think about my own need for a motivational tutor(?) and I don't find no other solution but if I made you by my side, and we'd actually make money. Then I would love to give to you some salary _still wouldn't be millions I quess_ Where are these golden heart "know how the game goes, what happens when, and motivation to help me grow my own savings, so I would also make it happen quite soon w/ crypto currencies (fex).. And after that, if you was not already, you should be looking for a salary you deserve, if this one million of my 5to 6 000000€ earrings would be quite nice if not more, one year salary..ahahh Where and with which currencies would it be possible to succeed again or perhaps once again? Is there such a value expert-investor colleagues, and if so I'm a complete newbie (well, I took part in scam, being the one scammed all my money.... ..that is, my experience comes from hearsay, tutorials...!♾️🆙️🆙️🆙️🔸️🔹️ And really, for once I want to succeed if it's a big sum needed to start stonger --> like my pension savings, about 2000-max 4000€ would be possible to use into this, in a period of three months....like my client tells me... Sooo.. Dear colleagues...experts, compared to myself (I am an infallible calculator in logical matters, but cryptos and stock market insiders and others where what goes up also goes down... I find this too impulsive. Like a place where in it winds a lot, and where from my wiev - feelings and insiders motivation mean so much more than logical thinking. I neeeeed heeeelp.
  • 13 juni
    13 juni
    I have no idea what to do next with Core Scientific. Should I keep my shares, sell or buy more? Any recommndations?
    14 juni
    14 juni
    Følg en youtuber der hedder Sebastian. En meget neutral analytiker, der har givet mig meget mange brugbare informationer, på de her miners. Er selv ny i det her game 😊
    15 juni
    15 juni
    Thanks alot!
  • 12 juni
    Nu har jag äntligen hittat omvandlingsförhållandet från dessa warrants, tranche 1 och 2, till aktier. Title of each class Trading Symbol(s) Name of each exchange on which registered CORZW: ”The Nasdaq Global Select Market Warrants, each whole warrant exercisable for one share of common stock at an exercise price of $6.81 per share” CORZZ: ”The Nasdaq Global Select Market Warrants, each whole warrant exercisable for one share of common stock at an exercise price of $0.01 per share” Källa: https://investors.corescientific.com/sec-filings/all-sec-filings/content/0001628280-24-026483/core-20240603.htm
  • 7 juni
    Härlig utveckling för Tranche 1 och 2 warrants i Core Scientific:) Någon som har löst in tranche 1? Gör man det enbart genom att ringa Nordnet?
    10 juni
    10 juni
    Ok takk forsvar så når du skriver løpetid, er vi da bundet i 3 år og 5 år fra vi kjøper/benytter oss av tildelte warrants? Eller betyr det noe annet? Noen som vet hvordan vi får solgt alt dette? Jeg har 3 ulike typer ser jeg hvorav en askje, og to typer warrants😅
    10 juni
    Det innebär att du har tre respektive fem år på dig att utnyttja dina warrant, du är inte bunden till något. Jag vet inte heller hur man kan sälja dessa på ett smidigt sätt. Men jag TROR att i detta fall så ska man ringa till Nordnet så hjälper de till med försäljning eller omvandling om man är ute efter det. Om du gör det så får du gärna berätta hur du gick tillväga.
  • 5 juni
    5 juni
    I was wondering why this raised so much yesterday. CoreWeave Offers About $1 Billion for Core Scientific. all-cash bid of $5.75 per share. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/coreweave-offers-1-billion-core-140321199.html
    7 juni
    Ja, men än viktigare för kursutvecklingen är det nya HPC-avtalet med just CoreWeaver som är värt 3,5 miljarder dollar under en period på 12 år.
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.



Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (USD)
147 855 678

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


Ingen data hittades

Kunder har även besökt


Nästa händelse
Kalender är inte tillgänglig
Tidigare händelser
2024 Q1-rapport8 maj
2023 Årsrapport13 mars
2023 Q4-rapport12 mars
2023 Q3-rapport6 nov. 2023
2023 Q2-rapport4 aug. 2023
Data hämtas från Morningstar, Quartr

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat
© 2024 Nordnet Bank AB.
Nordnet | Box 30099 | 104 25 Stockholm