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CanadaCanadaMagna Mining Inc

· TSX Venture Exchange
· Valuta i CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
Idag %
Idag +/-
Omsatt (Antal)
17 558
· TSX Venture Exchange
· Valuta i CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
· TSX Venture Exchange · Valuta i CAD
· Valuta i CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
Utveckling idag
Omsatt (Antal)
17 558


4 000

Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (CAD)
11 945

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


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Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat

Kunder har även besökt

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.


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Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
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  • 4 feb.
    4 feb.
    Høres ut som de har fått igjennom en toll-milling deal. 17:26 "There is an interest for third party ore and....." "We feel that we GOT..... uhhh... that we will get a good deal" *SMILE* https://youtu.be/dG-gAa6rb6s?si=8PvCuIlttyMnClvH Magna har mye Nickel, Kobber, Platinum og Palladium... + noe gull. Så man er diversifisert i mineraler og de har uttrykt at de vil utvinne det som er mest økonomisk. Gruveselskaper er galematias btw... 1 av 1000 klarer seg. Mitt TP er at om de kommer i ordentlig produksjon så gjør jeg som Jason og selger ikke noe før MCAP >CAD $1mrd.
    5 feb.
    5 feb.
    Ser det antydes at Jason misnakket seg rundt dette, men den 22 januar kom det en aktivitetsupdate hvor vi kan lese følgende: Ore-selling agreement: Throughout the second half of 2023 Magna has been in advanced discussions with the owners of the local mills, and excellent progress has been made on terms for ore selling. A signed definitive agreement is now expected before the end of Q1 2024.
  • 25 jan.
    25 jan.
    Kjøper man nå er man ikke langt unna bunnen (my best guess). Nickel har fått juling og naturlig nok kursen, her snakkes det om noe av grunnen. Nå begynner de beste å se kontrære muligheter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNNg10imnSk fra 20:00 Olje, Nickel og Uran er veldig interessant på kort, middels og lang tidshorisont. Fellesnevner er Energy sektor. Magna: Det ligger flere triggere klart i '24 (tålmodighet) Government Grant Applications and Funding Opportunities Magna’s two Sudbury, Ontario based projects are both eligible to apply to multiple critical mineral funding opportunities and grants that have recently been launched by the Canadian and US Governments. Magna is analyzing and pursuing all relevant funding opportunities, the most significant of which are outlined below: 1) Investment Tax Credit for Clean Technology Manufacturing: The 2023 Canadian Federal Budget introduced a refundable investment tax credit for critical mineral extraction and processing, equal to 30% of the capital cost of eligible property (where eligible property is depreciable property such as machinery, equipment, and industrial vehicles used in critical mineral extraction). Certain capital expenditures at both the Crean Hill and Shakespeare would be eligible for these tax credits under the current definitions. While the Crean Hill PEA (July 2023, Stantec) incorporated these credits, the January 2022 Shakespeare Feasibility Study Technical report preceded this program and did not include the credits in its economic analysis. 2) Critical Mineral Infrastructure Fund (CMIF): The CMIF is a program ran by Natural Resources Canada and will make $1.5 billion available over 7 years to develop strategic infrastructure projects that support Canadian critical mineral production. Magna will be submitting applications to the first Call for Proposals which opened in November 2023 and is requesting submissions by the end of February 2024. Magna will be making applications for grants to fund both pre-construction and construction activities for grid power access and road infrastructure improvements at both the Crean Hill and Shakespeare Projects. 3) Canada Growth Fund: The Canada Growth Fund (CGF) is an investment fund that will be capitalized with $15 billion, and who’s objectives include the deployment of capital to encourage further investment in low carbon natural resource development. Magna has made an initial application to the CGF and is currently awaiting a response. 4) US Department of Defense Production Act Title III program. Magna has received notification that the Shakespeare project would be eligible to apply for funding under the Title III program and is currently awaiting further notifications from the US Department of Defense. Paul Fowler, Senior Vice President of Magna commented, “Along with the existing flow-through share financing mechanisms for critical mineral explorers and developers in Canada, there are now multiple new government funding initiatives for which Magna is eligible to apply. If we are successful in securing funding from any or all of these programs, it is likely to have a significant positive impact on the project economics at both Crean Hill and Shakespeare. It is also worth re-iterating that Magna still retains 100% of our offtake, we have no debt on our balance sheet, and we have not yet consummated any strategic investments from mining companies, or any other entities involved in the nickel supply chain. We also have significant and valuable potential future by-product credits at both of our projects, which allows for the potential for by-product metal streams to assist with project financing. Overall, we consider ourselves very well placed to be able to fund the development and exploration of both of our projects over the coming years. In the short-term, we are fully funded for a robust exploration program and are excited about the exploration targets we will be testing in 2024.” Crean Hill – Advanced Exploration Update Permit applications have been submitted to commence advanced exploration at Crean Hill. All relevant permits, approvals and commercial agreements to begin the surface bulk sample at Crean Hill are expected to be received in Q1 2024, despite taking slightly longer than originally anticipated. The goal of advanced exploration is to test mine the 101 FW and 109 FW areas, as well as areas of the Intermediate deposit. Closure Plan: In August, Magna supported the submission of the Crean Hill closure plan for review by the Ministry of Mines. Following this review and the resolution of subsequent comments, Magna now expects the closure plan to be filed by the end of Q1 2024. Permit to Take Water (PTTW): The PTTW at Crean Hill has been submitted, subsequent comments have been received and addressed, and Magna expects to have the permit approved in Q2, although it could be sooner. This will allow Magna to dewater the underground workings at Crean Hill, wh
  • 19 jan.
    19 jan.
    Tanker om selskapet fremover? Er ikke så begeistret for kursutviklingen
  • 3 aug. 2023 · Ändrad
    3 aug. 2023 · Ändrad
    I have read through the PEA and I still find it interesting as an investment......But, have I missed something because I see my shares are still dropping in value?
  • 28 juli 2023 · Ändrad
    28 juli 2023 · Ändrad
    PEA kommer i neste uke, mest sannsynlig mandag. Det er en økonomisk analyse av prosjektet. Det bør gå bra og jeg satser på at det endrer siste måneders kursretning. https://ceo.ca/nicu
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
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  • 4 feb.
    4 feb.
    Høres ut som de har fått igjennom en toll-milling deal. 17:26 "There is an interest for third party ore and....." "We feel that we GOT..... uhhh... that we will get a good deal" *SMILE* https://youtu.be/dG-gAa6rb6s?si=8PvCuIlttyMnClvH Magna har mye Nickel, Kobber, Platinum og Palladium... + noe gull. Så man er diversifisert i mineraler og de har uttrykt at de vil utvinne det som er mest økonomisk. Gruveselskaper er galematias btw... 1 av 1000 klarer seg. Mitt TP er at om de kommer i ordentlig produksjon så gjør jeg som Jason og selger ikke noe før MCAP >CAD $1mrd.
    5 feb.
    5 feb.
    Ser det antydes at Jason misnakket seg rundt dette, men den 22 januar kom det en aktivitetsupdate hvor vi kan lese følgende: Ore-selling agreement: Throughout the second half of 2023 Magna has been in advanced discussions with the owners of the local mills, and excellent progress has been made on terms for ore selling. A signed definitive agreement is now expected before the end of Q1 2024.
  • 25 jan.
    25 jan.
    Kjøper man nå er man ikke langt unna bunnen (my best guess). Nickel har fått juling og naturlig nok kursen, her snakkes det om noe av grunnen. Nå begynner de beste å se kontrære muligheter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNNg10imnSk fra 20:00 Olje, Nickel og Uran er veldig interessant på kort, middels og lang tidshorisont. Fellesnevner er Energy sektor. Magna: Det ligger flere triggere klart i '24 (tålmodighet) Government Grant Applications and Funding Opportunities Magna’s two Sudbury, Ontario based projects are both eligible to apply to multiple critical mineral funding opportunities and grants that have recently been launched by the Canadian and US Governments. Magna is analyzing and pursuing all relevant funding opportunities, the most significant of which are outlined below: 1) Investment Tax Credit for Clean Technology Manufacturing: The 2023 Canadian Federal Budget introduced a refundable investment tax credit for critical mineral extraction and processing, equal to 30% of the capital cost of eligible property (where eligible property is depreciable property such as machinery, equipment, and industrial vehicles used in critical mineral extraction). Certain capital expenditures at both the Crean Hill and Shakespeare would be eligible for these tax credits under the current definitions. While the Crean Hill PEA (July 2023, Stantec) incorporated these credits, the January 2022 Shakespeare Feasibility Study Technical report preceded this program and did not include the credits in its economic analysis. 2) Critical Mineral Infrastructure Fund (CMIF): The CMIF is a program ran by Natural Resources Canada and will make $1.5 billion available over 7 years to develop strategic infrastructure projects that support Canadian critical mineral production. Magna will be submitting applications to the first Call for Proposals which opened in November 2023 and is requesting submissions by the end of February 2024. Magna will be making applications for grants to fund both pre-construction and construction activities for grid power access and road infrastructure improvements at both the Crean Hill and Shakespeare Projects. 3) Canada Growth Fund: The Canada Growth Fund (CGF) is an investment fund that will be capitalized with $15 billion, and who’s objectives include the deployment of capital to encourage further investment in low carbon natural resource development. Magna has made an initial application to the CGF and is currently awaiting a response. 4) US Department of Defense Production Act Title III program. Magna has received notification that the Shakespeare project would be eligible to apply for funding under the Title III program and is currently awaiting further notifications from the US Department of Defense. Paul Fowler, Senior Vice President of Magna commented, “Along with the existing flow-through share financing mechanisms for critical mineral explorers and developers in Canada, there are now multiple new government funding initiatives for which Magna is eligible to apply. If we are successful in securing funding from any or all of these programs, it is likely to have a significant positive impact on the project economics at both Crean Hill and Shakespeare. It is also worth re-iterating that Magna still retains 100% of our offtake, we have no debt on our balance sheet, and we have not yet consummated any strategic investments from mining companies, or any other entities involved in the nickel supply chain. We also have significant and valuable potential future by-product credits at both of our projects, which allows for the potential for by-product metal streams to assist with project financing. Overall, we consider ourselves very well placed to be able to fund the development and exploration of both of our projects over the coming years. In the short-term, we are fully funded for a robust exploration program and are excited about the exploration targets we will be testing in 2024.” Crean Hill – Advanced Exploration Update Permit applications have been submitted to commence advanced exploration at Crean Hill. All relevant permits, approvals and commercial agreements to begin the surface bulk sample at Crean Hill are expected to be received in Q1 2024, despite taking slightly longer than originally anticipated. The goal of advanced exploration is to test mine the 101 FW and 109 FW areas, as well as areas of the Intermediate deposit. Closure Plan: In August, Magna supported the submission of the Crean Hill closure plan for review by the Ministry of Mines. Following this review and the resolution of subsequent comments, Magna now expects the closure plan to be filed by the end of Q1 2024. Permit to Take Water (PTTW): The PTTW at Crean Hill has been submitted, subsequent comments have been received and addressed, and Magna expects to have the permit approved in Q2, although it could be sooner. This will allow Magna to dewater the underground workings at Crean Hill, wh
  • 19 jan.
    19 jan.
    Tanker om selskapet fremover? Er ikke så begeistret for kursutviklingen
  • 3 aug. 2023 · Ändrad
    3 aug. 2023 · Ändrad
    I have read through the PEA and I still find it interesting as an investment......But, have I missed something because I see my shares are still dropping in value?
  • 28 juli 2023 · Ändrad
    28 juli 2023 · Ändrad
    PEA kommer i neste uke, mest sannsynlig mandag. Det er en økonomisk analyse av prosjektet. Det bør gå bra og jeg satser på at det endrer siste måneders kursretning. https://ceo.ca/nicu
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.


4 000

Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (CAD)
11 945

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


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Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat
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