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CanadaCanadaEco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd

· TSX Venture Exchange
· Valuta i CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
Idag %
Idag +/-
Omsatt (Antal)
63 920
· TSX Venture Exchange
· Valuta i CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
· TSX Venture Exchange · Valuta i CAD
· Valuta i CAD
TSX Venture Exchange
Utveckling idag
Omsatt (Antal)
63 920
125 dagar sedan


102 000
21 000

Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (CAD)
14 575

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


Ingen data hittades


Nästa händelse
Kalender är inte tillgänglig
Tidigare händelser
2024 Q3-rapport29 feb.
2023 Årsstämma29 dec. 2023
2024 Q2-rapport30 nov. 2023
2024 Q1-rapport30 aug. 2023
2023 Q4-rapport1 aug. 2023
Data hämtas från Morningstar

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat

Kunder har även besökt

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.
125 dagar sedan

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.


Nästa händelse
Kalender är inte tillgänglig
Tidigare händelser
2024 Q3-rapport29 feb.
2023 Årsstämma29 dec. 2023
2024 Q2-rapport30 nov. 2023
2024 Q1-rapport30 aug. 2023
2023 Q4-rapport1 aug. 2023
Data hämtas från Morningstar

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
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  • 6 mars
    6 mars
    6 mars
    Hvad vil det sige for aktionærerne kort fortalt?
    6 mars
    6 mars
    Dersom man spør Copilot tilkoblet gtp4 får man følgende svar: Basert på søk på nettet, kan copilot (Bing) si at avtalen kan ha en positiv effekt på aksjekursen for ECO Atlantic. Dette er fordi avtalen vil redusere risikoen og kostnadene for ECO Atlantic i å utvikle blokk 3B/4B, samtidig som det gir dem en mulighet til å motta kontantbetalinger, royalty og en andel av fremtidig produksjon. I tillegg vil avtalen gi ECO Atlantic tilgang til ekspertise og ressurser fra TotalEnergies og QatarEnergy, som er to av de største energiselskapene i verden. En studie av farmout-avtaler i olje- og gassindustrien fant at slike avtaler skaper verdi for både farmor og farmee, og at markedet reagerer positivt på slike kunngjøringer1. Derfor kan vi forvente at aksjemarkedet vil prise inn fordelene av avtalen for ECO Atlantic. Nåværende aksjekurs for ECO Atlantic er 0,17 CAD2, som tilsvarer 1,16 NOK. Dette er en nedgang på 8,11% fra forrige handelsdag2. Aksjekursen har vært volatil i det siste, og har variert mellom 0,155 CAD og 0,44 CAD i løpet av de siste 52 ukene2. Aksjekursen kan også påvirkes av andre faktorer, som oljeprisen, markedsforholdene, konkurransen, etterspørselen og nyheter om selskapets andre prosjekter. Derfor er det vanskelig å forutsi nøyaktig hvordan aksjekursen vil endre seg etter avtalen, men det er rimelig å anta at den vil stige hvis avtalen blir godkjent av regjeringen i Sør-Afrika og hvis boringen gir positive resultater
  • 28 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    28 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    ALIGN RESEARCH TOP PICKS FOR 2023 – KZG, BMV, ECO http://www.alignresearch.co.uk/align-research/align-research-top-conviction-calls-for-2023/
  • 19 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    19 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    RNS Number : 0777K Eco (Atlantic) Oil and Gas Ltd. 19 December 2022   ECO (ATLANTIC) OIL & GAS LTD. ("Eco," "Eco Atlantic," "Company," or together with its subsidiaries, the "Group")  Receipt of Government Approval and Closing of the Acquisition of Additional Interest in Block 3B/4B, South Africa  Eco Atlantic (AIM: ECO, TSX‐ V: EOG), the oil and gas exploration company focused on the offshore Atlantic Margins, announces an update, further to its announcement of 27 June 2022, in relation to the acquisition by its wholly owned subsidiary Azinam Limited ("Azinam") of an additional 6.25% Participating Interest in Block 3B/4B, offshore South Africa from the Lunn Family Trust (the "Vendor"), one of the shareholders of Ricocure (Proprietary) Limited ("Ricocure") (the "Acquisition").  Eco is pleased to confirm that it has now received the requisite regulatory approvals from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy ("DMRE") of South Africa and the Petroleum Agency of South Africa ("PASA") in respect of the Acquisition, which was the final condition in respect of completion.   Accordingly, Eco Atlantic, through Azinam, will now close the Acquisition and hold an increased Participating Interest of 26.25% in Block 3B/4B, with Africa Oil Corp., the Operator of the block, holding a 20% Participating Interest, and Ricocure, holding the remaining 53.75% Participating Interest.     In accordance with the completion consideration outlined in Eco's announcement on 27 June 2022, the Company will now: ·    pay a cash amount of US$500,000 to the Vendor; ·    issue to the Vendor new Common Shares at the agreed price of 30p (CAD$0.48) having an aggregate value of US$500,000 ·    issue to the Vendor new Common Shares at the agreed price of 30p (CAD$0.48) having an aggregate value of US$3 million, which will be subject to special lock up restrictions (as further detailed below) (the "Restricted Shares"); ·    issue to the Vendor new Common Shares at the agreed price of 30p (CAD$0.48) having an aggregate value of US$2 million; and ·    issue to the Vendor, new Common Shares equal to US$2 million divided by the greater of (i) the value of the 30 day VWAP per Common Share prior to the date of the press release announcing the issue of such Common Shares; and (ii) the lowest issuance price then allowed by the rules of the TSXV and AIM (to the extent then listed on such markets, otherwise the average (if listed on more than one market) on such markets as the Common Shares are then listed). This shall be subject to obtaining prior TSXV approval in the event that such issue of Common Shares would cause the Vendor to own more than 9.99% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares (calculated at the time of issuance). (together, the "Consideration Shares")   Lock up arrangements   The Restricted Shares will be subject to a lock up agreement restricting the sale or transfer of all or any portion of the Restricted Shares until the earlier of (i) signature of a farmout agreement between the Block JV partners and a third party; or (ii) March 15, 2023, provided that such transfer is compliant with UK securities laws and Canadian securities laws.   Issue and Admission of the Common Shares In accordance with the terms of the farmout agreement announced on 27 June 2022, the Consideration Shares will be issued within the next 30 days. A further announcement will be issued upon issuance of the Consideration Shares, confirming the date for admission of the Consideration Shares to trading on AIM. The Consideration Shares will all be subject to a restrictive hold period of four months and one day from the day of their issuance (the "Hold Period"), which restricts them from being sold, transferred, hypothecated or otherwise traded through the facilities of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") or otherwise in Canada or to a Canadian during the Hold Period without the prior written approval of the TSXV and compliance with all applicable securities laws. Gil Holzman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eco Atlantic, commented:  "We are extremely pleased to have received the South African authorities' final approval and to be increasing our interest in Block 3B/4B to 26.25%. The Block looks to be a very exciting licence for all the partners involved. Recently completing a full reprocessing of the 3D data on the Block, we are upbeat about the prospectivity of the licence and following the significant oil discoveries, Venus & Graff, made earlier in the year offshore Namibia Orange Basin, and we are pleased to be strengthening our working relationship with Ricocure and Africa Oil Corp.    "We are seeing growing industry interest in the entire Orange Basin, and in particular in Block 3B/4B, and as announced last month, a collaborative farm out process (of up to a 55% working interest) is underway. In the past six months, we have worked very closely with our partners to identify and determine the Block drilling prospects for a drilling campaign we are contemplating for next year."   Notice of AGM The Company also notes that notice of its Annual General Meeting, to be held virtually, on Thursday, 29 December 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) via teleconference at (+1) 416 764 8658 or toll free at (+1) 888 886 7786, is available on its website at www.ecooilandgas.com and on SEDAR.     **ENDS**   For more information, please visit www.ecooilandgas.com or contact the following:   Eco Atlantic Oil and Gas   c/o Celicourt +44 (0) 20 8434 2754 Gil Holzman, CEO Colin Kinley, COO Alice Carroll, Head of Corporate Sustainability     +44(0)781 729 5070 Strand Hanson (Financial & Nominated Adviser)   +44 (0) 20 7409 3494 James Harris James Bellman   Berenberg (Broker)   +44 (0) 20 3207 7800 Matthew Armitt Detlir Elezi Echelon Capital (Financial Adviser N. America Markets)     Ryan Mooney  Simon Akit +1 (403) 606 4852 +1 (416) 8497776   Celicourt (PR)   +44 (0) 20 8434 2754 Mark Antelme Jimmy Lea
  • 18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    ABANDON BOAT - Gaz-1 er IKKE kommerciel. Gaz-1 var 1 ud af 4 targets over de næste 18-24 mdr. Kæmpe skuffelse med Gaz-1, men de andre wells kan lige så vel være company-makers. Ingen garanti! you win some, you lose some. Mon vi ser -50% ved åbning? https://pro.ceo.ca/@accesswire/eco-atlantic-oil-and-gas-ltd-announces-update-on-7a11a
    18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    Ja ja, i stedet for å tjene 400% man kan tape 50% ;-) :-)
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.
125 dagar sedan

Nyheter & Analyser

Nyheter och/eller generella investeringsrekommendationer alternativt utdrag därav på denna sida och relaterade länkar är framtagna och tillhandahålls av den leverantör som anges. Nordnet har inte medverkat till framtagandet, granskar inte och har inte gjort några ändringar i materialet. Läs mer om investeringsrekommendationer.


Delta i diskussionerna på SharevilleFå inspiration från tusentals portföljer och diskutera med andra duktiga investerare.
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  • 6 mars
    6 mars
    6 mars
    Hvad vil det sige for aktionærerne kort fortalt?
    6 mars
    6 mars
    Dersom man spør Copilot tilkoblet gtp4 får man følgende svar: Basert på søk på nettet, kan copilot (Bing) si at avtalen kan ha en positiv effekt på aksjekursen for ECO Atlantic. Dette er fordi avtalen vil redusere risikoen og kostnadene for ECO Atlantic i å utvikle blokk 3B/4B, samtidig som det gir dem en mulighet til å motta kontantbetalinger, royalty og en andel av fremtidig produksjon. I tillegg vil avtalen gi ECO Atlantic tilgang til ekspertise og ressurser fra TotalEnergies og QatarEnergy, som er to av de største energiselskapene i verden. En studie av farmout-avtaler i olje- og gassindustrien fant at slike avtaler skaper verdi for både farmor og farmee, og at markedet reagerer positivt på slike kunngjøringer1. Derfor kan vi forvente at aksjemarkedet vil prise inn fordelene av avtalen for ECO Atlantic. Nåværende aksjekurs for ECO Atlantic er 0,17 CAD2, som tilsvarer 1,16 NOK. Dette er en nedgang på 8,11% fra forrige handelsdag2. Aksjekursen har vært volatil i det siste, og har variert mellom 0,155 CAD og 0,44 CAD i løpet av de siste 52 ukene2. Aksjekursen kan også påvirkes av andre faktorer, som oljeprisen, markedsforholdene, konkurransen, etterspørselen og nyheter om selskapets andre prosjekter. Derfor er det vanskelig å forutsi nøyaktig hvordan aksjekursen vil endre seg etter avtalen, men det er rimelig å anta at den vil stige hvis avtalen blir godkjent av regjeringen i Sør-Afrika og hvis boringen gir positive resultater
  • 28 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    28 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    ALIGN RESEARCH TOP PICKS FOR 2023 – KZG, BMV, ECO http://www.alignresearch.co.uk/align-research/align-research-top-conviction-calls-for-2023/
  • 19 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    19 dec. 2022 · Ändrad
    RNS Number : 0777K Eco (Atlantic) Oil and Gas Ltd. 19 December 2022   ECO (ATLANTIC) OIL & GAS LTD. ("Eco," "Eco Atlantic," "Company," or together with its subsidiaries, the "Group")  Receipt of Government Approval and Closing of the Acquisition of Additional Interest in Block 3B/4B, South Africa  Eco Atlantic (AIM: ECO, TSX‐ V: EOG), the oil and gas exploration company focused on the offshore Atlantic Margins, announces an update, further to its announcement of 27 June 2022, in relation to the acquisition by its wholly owned subsidiary Azinam Limited ("Azinam") of an additional 6.25% Participating Interest in Block 3B/4B, offshore South Africa from the Lunn Family Trust (the "Vendor"), one of the shareholders of Ricocure (Proprietary) Limited ("Ricocure") (the "Acquisition").  Eco is pleased to confirm that it has now received the requisite regulatory approvals from the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy ("DMRE") of South Africa and the Petroleum Agency of South Africa ("PASA") in respect of the Acquisition, which was the final condition in respect of completion.   Accordingly, Eco Atlantic, through Azinam, will now close the Acquisition and hold an increased Participating Interest of 26.25% in Block 3B/4B, with Africa Oil Corp., the Operator of the block, holding a 20% Participating Interest, and Ricocure, holding the remaining 53.75% Participating Interest.     In accordance with the completion consideration outlined in Eco's announcement on 27 June 2022, the Company will now: ·    pay a cash amount of US$500,000 to the Vendor; ·    issue to the Vendor new Common Shares at the agreed price of 30p (CAD$0.48) having an aggregate value of US$500,000 ·    issue to the Vendor new Common Shares at the agreed price of 30p (CAD$0.48) having an aggregate value of US$3 million, which will be subject to special lock up restrictions (as further detailed below) (the "Restricted Shares"); ·    issue to the Vendor new Common Shares at the agreed price of 30p (CAD$0.48) having an aggregate value of US$2 million; and ·    issue to the Vendor, new Common Shares equal to US$2 million divided by the greater of (i) the value of the 30 day VWAP per Common Share prior to the date of the press release announcing the issue of such Common Shares; and (ii) the lowest issuance price then allowed by the rules of the TSXV and AIM (to the extent then listed on such markets, otherwise the average (if listed on more than one market) on such markets as the Common Shares are then listed). This shall be subject to obtaining prior TSXV approval in the event that such issue of Common Shares would cause the Vendor to own more than 9.99% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares (calculated at the time of issuance). (together, the "Consideration Shares")   Lock up arrangements   The Restricted Shares will be subject to a lock up agreement restricting the sale or transfer of all or any portion of the Restricted Shares until the earlier of (i) signature of a farmout agreement between the Block JV partners and a third party; or (ii) March 15, 2023, provided that such transfer is compliant with UK securities laws and Canadian securities laws.   Issue and Admission of the Common Shares In accordance with the terms of the farmout agreement announced on 27 June 2022, the Consideration Shares will be issued within the next 30 days. A further announcement will be issued upon issuance of the Consideration Shares, confirming the date for admission of the Consideration Shares to trading on AIM. The Consideration Shares will all be subject to a restrictive hold period of four months and one day from the day of their issuance (the "Hold Period"), which restricts them from being sold, transferred, hypothecated or otherwise traded through the facilities of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") or otherwise in Canada or to a Canadian during the Hold Period without the prior written approval of the TSXV and compliance with all applicable securities laws. Gil Holzman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eco Atlantic, commented:  "We are extremely pleased to have received the South African authorities' final approval and to be increasing our interest in Block 3B/4B to 26.25%. The Block looks to be a very exciting licence for all the partners involved. Recently completing a full reprocessing of the 3D data on the Block, we are upbeat about the prospectivity of the licence and following the significant oil discoveries, Venus & Graff, made earlier in the year offshore Namibia Orange Basin, and we are pleased to be strengthening our working relationship with Ricocure and Africa Oil Corp.    "We are seeing growing industry interest in the entire Orange Basin, and in particular in Block 3B/4B, and as announced last month, a collaborative farm out process (of up to a 55% working interest) is underway. In the past six months, we have worked very closely with our partners to identify and determine the Block drilling prospects for a drilling campaign we are contemplating for next year."   Notice of AGM The Company also notes that notice of its Annual General Meeting, to be held virtually, on Thursday, 29 December 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) via teleconference at (+1) 416 764 8658 or toll free at (+1) 888 886 7786, is available on its website at www.ecooilandgas.com and on SEDAR.     **ENDS**   For more information, please visit www.ecooilandgas.com or contact the following:   Eco Atlantic Oil and Gas   c/o Celicourt +44 (0) 20 8434 2754 Gil Holzman, CEO Colin Kinley, COO Alice Carroll, Head of Corporate Sustainability     +44(0)781 729 5070 Strand Hanson (Financial & Nominated Adviser)   +44 (0) 20 7409 3494 James Harris James Bellman   Berenberg (Broker)   +44 (0) 20 3207 7800 Matthew Armitt Detlir Elezi Echelon Capital (Financial Adviser N. America Markets)     Ryan Mooney  Simon Akit +1 (403) 606 4852 +1 (416) 8497776   Celicourt (PR)   +44 (0) 20 8434 2754 Mark Antelme Jimmy Lea
  • 18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    ABANDON BOAT - Gaz-1 er IKKE kommerciel. Gaz-1 var 1 ud af 4 targets over de næste 18-24 mdr. Kæmpe skuffelse med Gaz-1, men de andre wells kan lige så vel være company-makers. Ingen garanti! you win some, you lose some. Mon vi ser -50% ved åbning? https://pro.ceo.ca/@accesswire/eco-atlantic-oil-and-gas-ltd-announces-update-on-7a11a
    18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    18 nov. 2022 · Ändrad
    Ja ja, i stedet for å tjene 400% man kan tape 50% ;-) :-)
Kommentarerna ovan kommer från användare på Nordnets sociala nätverk Shareville och har varken redigerats eller på förhand granskats av Nordnet. Det innebär inte att Nordnet tillhandahåller investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsrekommendationer. Nordnet påtar sig inget ansvar för kommentarerna eller eventuella felaktigheter i automatiska översättningar.


102 000
21 000

Senaste avslut

Volymvägt snittpris (VWAP)
Omsättning (CAD)
14 575

Vi vill bara påminna om att börsen ger och tar. Även om sparande i aktier historiskt gett god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. Det finns risk att du inte får tillbaka de pengar du investerat.


Ingen data hittades

Kunder har även besökt


Nästa händelse
Kalender är inte tillgänglig
Tidigare händelser
2024 Q3-rapport29 feb.
2023 Årsstämma29 dec. 2023
2024 Q2-rapport30 nov. 2023
2024 Q1-rapport30 aug. 2023
2023 Q4-rapport1 aug. 2023
Data hämtas från Morningstar

Relaterade värdepapper

Inga Nordnet Markets Certifikat finns med underliggande värdepapper. Se övriga Certifikat
© 2024 Nordnet Bank AB.
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